Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Reflection essay pg.252 #1

A movie that i recently saw that had a very powerful and lasting effect on me was Blood Diamond starring Leonardo Decaprio. It is an action drama that takes place in Africa, in which the country is in the midst of a civil war. Rebels go around from town to town killing innocent people who cant work for them and keep the ones who can to dig and collect diamonds. The part of Africa were it takes place is rich in diamonds. This movie greatly changed me because I saw how poor of a country Africa is, how dangerous it is to live a peaceful life. How you have to fear your life in everything you do. I never really noticed how bad of a place to live and be born into. It is incredible to think during the break out of a civil war, you are not safe in doing anything, and how you will be forced to work or be killed. With no remorse for anything they do the rebels, went around killing who ever they pleased. I realize how many things we Americans take for granted that other parts of the world would love to have, such as floors and carpets to a house or more than a one room house, or good medical practice. This movie really opened my eyes to 3rd world countries, and to realize everything isn't about how much money you have, and how less fortunate other people of the world are. I really appreciate what I have, especially alot more after seeing this movie.

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