Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Newspaper Blog

Two truck bombs exploded minutes apart in central Algiers, one of the bombs exploding right near the U.N building destroying some of the building in its process. The total number dead from these bombs is 26 and left many wounded. These were carried out by suicide bombers who had more than 1,700 explosives in each vehicle, one vehicle targeting the U.N. building. The North African branch of Al Queda claims responsibility for these attacks.

From viewing the same story in three different news papers I came accross some interesting information that was different in each website. Only one paper had the story on the front page of its news paper which was the new york times. The washington times claimed 26 deaths, while the other 2 only claimed 22. The New York Times by far had more information on the attacks, and gave us much more background information on the story, including events leading up to it. The Boston Globe gave us more of who was killed, and the different people injured from it, including a school bus that was on its way back to its university. The washington times interviewed more people than the other newspapers. They gave us great insight on the reaction to the attacks, and how heartless they were.

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