Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pg. 212 Journal Promt

The developmental stage I most remember is Rooting and Extending. I recall from it that it's when you are in your thirties, and you begin to settle down, not only your marriage reduces satisfaction but you focus more on your career and raising your kids. For the most part I think that assumption is correct, it is an important part of your life where you start to realize the outline for the rest of your life. This is a time where you want your family to settle down such as buying a house that your kids can grow up in, and you and your wife to grow into your golden years in.

Greasy Lake Journal Prompt Pg. 197

A special place from my childhood that I always look back upon is when I lived in NH in a town house. Our town house was right near a pound that I always used to go fishing and woods near by with a frog pond where I use catch frogs and salamanders. It was a peaceful place where I used to go my self and spend hours there. It was deffinatly a comfort of nature for me, I just felt so relaxed when I was in there, like I didnt have one problem in the world. I loved catching frogs and salamanders, and just the surroundings of the woods it was an incredible place that I deeply miss.

Greasy Lake

Andre Paul Guillaume Gide was born November 22,1869 and died February 19, 1951. He was a French author and winner of the Noble Prize in 1947. He was a very controversial writer and wrote from his personality, you can tell how he is from reading his work. Some of his novels include The Counterfeiters and Lafcadio's Adventures, which his work often show individuals in conflict with accepted morality.

Newspaper Blog

Two truck bombs exploded minutes apart in central Algiers, one of the bombs exploding right near the U.N building destroying some of the building in its process. The total number dead from these bombs is 26 and left many wounded. These were carried out by suicide bombers who had more than 1,700 explosives in each vehicle, one vehicle targeting the U.N. building. The North African branch of Al Queda claims responsibility for these attacks.

From viewing the same story in three different news papers I came accross some interesting information that was different in each website. Only one paper had the story on the front page of its news paper which was the new york times. The washington times claimed 26 deaths, while the other 2 only claimed 22. The New York Times by far had more information on the attacks, and gave us much more background information on the story, including events leading up to it. The Boston Globe gave us more of who was killed, and the different people injured from it, including a school bus that was on its way back to its university. The washington times interviewed more people than the other newspapers. They gave us great insight on the reaction to the attacks, and how heartless they were.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Reflection essay pg.252 #1

A movie that i recently saw that had a very powerful and lasting effect on me was Blood Diamond starring Leonardo Decaprio. It is an action drama that takes place in Africa, in which the country is in the midst of a civil war. Rebels go around from town to town killing innocent people who cant work for them and keep the ones who can to dig and collect diamonds. The part of Africa were it takes place is rich in diamonds. This movie greatly changed me because I saw how poor of a country Africa is, how dangerous it is to live a peaceful life. How you have to fear your life in everything you do. I never really noticed how bad of a place to live and be born into. It is incredible to think during the break out of a civil war, you are not safe in doing anything, and how you will be forced to work or be killed. With no remorse for anything they do the rebels, went around killing who ever they pleased. I realize how many things we Americans take for granted that other parts of the world would love to have, such as floors and carpets to a house or more than a one room house, or good medical practice. This movie really opened my eyes to 3rd world countries, and to realize everything isn't about how much money you have, and how less fortunate other people of the world are. I really appreciate what I have, especially alot more after seeing this movie.

Pg. 247 Z: The movie that changed my life

Charlton Heston was born on October 24, 1924 who is an American film actor. He is known for playing herioc roles in movies he stars in. He played Moses in The Ten Commandments, and one he is most famous for is his role in Planet of the Apes as Colonel George Taylor. He was one of only a few actors to publically speak out agianst racism, and was also part of the civil rights movement. He was also president of the National Rifle Association between 1998 to 2001. He has lived an incredible life and will always be known for not only his acting but of the man he was.

Pg. 226 The Seven Ages of Man

William Shakespeare an english poet, who is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. The work that is left from him include 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narritive poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every living language. At age 18 he got married, and eventually had 3 kids with his wife. Between 1590 and 1613 is when he produced most of his own work. His early plays were mainly comedies, and histories, and his later plays were mainly tragedies. His most popular works are Hamlet,Macbeth, King Lear, and the one that he is probably most famous for that has given him fame world wide is Romeo and Juliet.

Pg. 219 Ethics

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was a dutch painter and etcher. He was born on July 15,1606 and died on October 4, 1669. He is considered one of the greatest Dutch painters and lived in the Dutch golden age. He went through alot of personal tragedy and financial hardships. He painted alot of self portraits and scens from the bible. He is often reffered as one of the greatest prophets of civilaztion.

Motorcycle Talk

The Great Depression was a dramatic, worldwide economic downturn, that was as early as 1928. The Depression in the U.S. is asscoiated with the stock market crash in 1929. It had devastating effects on industrialized companies, international trade decreases. Jobs were scarce during this period and construction was nearly halted in several countries.

Pg.320 Ellen Goodman

Ellen Goodman is a nationally recognized columnist who writes for the Boston Globe. She is an American journalist and Pulitzer prize winner columnist. She worked as a researcher and reporter for Newsweek between 1963 and 1965. She has a number of published books out, and is an extremely accomplished women.

Dog Meat

In many parts of the country not only are dogs kept as pets, but some are raised and then slaughtered to eat. Eating dog is widely accepted in some countries and widley looked down upon in some countries. In Islamic culture eating dog is forbidden, and especially Korea who view dogs as friendly to humanity. Although the U.S. for the most part is disgusted by the thought of dog eating, in some parts of the world we seem wierd for not partaking in this.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Whale Rider

Niki Caro was the director of the movie we watched in class Whale Rider. She was born in 1967 in Wellington, New Zeleand. She is an award winning film director whose movie Whale Rider won a number of awards at international film festiviles. She has directed Charlize Theron who was nominated for an Oscar in the film she directed North Country. She is working on a new movie in 2008 to be based on a novel by Elizabeth Knox.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pg 177: On the Rainy River

I think the authors choice to go to war was a good choice. Even though he calls him self a coward for going to war, I think it was the least coward decision. He lives in America, he cant let his fellow Americans down who also fight for one another. If millions others are fighting for him, he should fight for those million others. Even though it takes a great deal of courage to not go to war, it takes so much more courage to go to war. Not going to war in a way is going against your country, even though it technically is your right not to. His choice was a very noble one even if he didnt think so himself. People praise you for going to war, not for not going to war. You fight for everyone in America not just yourself.

Elderly Care

In the U.S. we have a system of elderly homes where most of our elderly live. In the U.S. we dont necessarily treat our elders with care and love the way we should. We should cherish them and be blessed for all that they have taught us and for bringing us into this world. We could treat our elders with much more respect than we do.
In countries like Asia elders are extremely praised and looked up upon throughout their civilization. Elders to them are the gods of wisdom and knowledge, they are respected and loved by all. Like the U.S. they also have a system of elderly homes but are much more taken cared of that in the U.S., they are treated with the up most respect.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Charles Mungoshi

We read the short story The Stetting Sun And The Rolling World by Charles Mungoshi for homework. Charles Mungoshi is a very talented writer, from Zimbabwe, who writes short stories and novels both in Shona, and English. He also writes poetry but doesnt think very much of it as he calls it "mere finger excersise" He writes from anything as children books, to colonial writings. Through out his career as a writer he has accomplished some remarkable things such as winning many awards, such as the Noma award in 1992, The CommenWealth Writers Prize of the African Region, in 1988 and 1998. He also had 2 of his novles win in 1975 in the International PEN Awards.

Monday, September 17, 2007


The Maasai are an indigenous African ethnic group of semi nomadic people located in Kenya and northern Tanzania. They have very unique customs especially in the way they dress, which is very tribal and alot of red, and both men and women wear wooden bracelets. They speak a language called Maa, and their population ranges to about 900,000. Their diet consists of meat and milk from cattle and most recently some crop foods. In their culture circumcision is a right of passage for all young boys to become warriors and young girls go through it too. Young boys take on great responsibilities in the community at a very young age. A mans wealth is measured in cattle and children the more you have the more wealthier your considered, if you have one but not the other you are considered poor. Houses are constructed by women made out of all natural resources.


Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes some or all of the foreskin from the penis. Circumcision has alot of cultural background and is done for a number of reasons, such as ritual sacrafice or offering, health precaution, a sign of submission to a deity, a rite of passage to adulthood ( which we read in the story), a mark of defeat or slavery, or an attempt to alter sexuality. Circumcision is most popular in Muslim countries, Israel, United States, the Philippines and South Korea. It is the most prevalent in Muslim and Jewish faiths. In jewish law it is mandatory. Circumcision in some faiths is mandatory to be accepted in such a religion or faith, where as in some faiths and religions it means absolutely nothing.

University of Calgary

The University of Calgary (U of C) is l0cated in northwest Calgary, Canada and is one of the most prestiges institutes in Calgary, and is larger than the entire downtown of Calgary. It is one of most largest employers in Calgary earning enormous sums of money. It has become one of the top 10 schools in Canada for research and research funding, making it not only a national power but also and international power in learning institutes. The University has great vetreniary courses, and uses some of the state of the art teaching methods and technologies. The community is great urban diverse community with variety of international students from all over.